Kite Surf HangGlide Maui
Sharing my experiences in the Awesome world of Hawaii. Island of Maui
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Saturday, day two of Demo days. I woke up early, with not enough sleep. The Upanishads teachings were as good as any! It was pouring rain outside, and there were yellow breasted finches jumping and playing outside my window. My book was keying on birds at the time, and I was feeling great with little sleep. I made it down to the lz, and it was still raining. The day is not looking good. We hang out in the lz, just talking story. A lot of the local pilots don't even show up. I am hanging with this kid, my age, named Willy, he is a tandem pilot and makes his money in hangglinding, super cool! The day goes on slow, with optimism, cause it can always change. Finally around 3p.m. the weather starts to improve. Only one demo run going down today. I spent most of the day playing hackysac with cool a dude from California, Brian and Sparky. I was jamming my terrible music, having a blast. We headed up to launch, and the only glider left to demo, was the alapha. This is the retro trainer glider, which is as wide as it is long. Willy teaches with it, and has had good things to say about it. So, its a huge 210 sized glider, with light air, I am imagining its gonna be sweet, lol sure. We go up to Marshall full of optimism. I am cracking jokes and Ken is gonna fly his tandem solo, so were kinda equal, but he flys here everyday. Set up is quick, and Ken gets off quick. He is doing ok, so I launched too. Bad idea, to early again. I am flying this trainer glider slow as fk. When I make my turns next to the mountain, it feels like i'm gonna get stuck and pound in. lol Not really. but everytime I pull in to make a tighter turn, I sink out. I started chasing Ken around, but not getting much. I see this bird thermaling, so I try to steal it, lol. I am going so slow that it flys right in my face and flutters at me! Best part of flight. I get to regionals, and catch something, but I drift strong with it, without much gain. Ahh this glider has no penetration, and I will top land if i keep flying. Also there was a guy on a Sport, he kept dive bombing me because he couldn't get up either. Im low, slow and it's crowded. Not in a comfortable place, I bail for something else. No luck... Ken is getting up, and I am milking it hardcore, this is not working out. I scratch for twenty minutes, but there is no chance for me. I barley make it to the lz, which was starting to get windy. This means it has turned on, and I am nowhere near getting up. The best I can do is entertain the lz crowd. I put myself over the crowd, push-out, and fly backwards for an extended amount of time, trying to freak people out ;). After enough of that, I do my normal full speed approach and land the trainer glider effortlessly. I wanted to go up again pretty badly, but it was taco night, and it was already late. My first real burnout day :( bummers. Luckly Kelsey and her Mom where there to chat, and I took reigns of one of their dogs while we ate dinner. I was super happy to chat, joke, and converse with them! Its not hard to get me in a good mood, as long as I don't look up lol. Then Mitch, who flew the second alpha landed. Even though he got above launch, he burned out quick as well. Then more people came down and landed, as the cloud shadow blocked the sun again. It was a pretty weak day, but it was fun. I then got asked to play hackysac by some kids. I had burnout energy, so I played and entertained the kids for a couple hours. Chris who I flew with, the day before was handling the grill, and I was playing with his kids. One of them had a whiny ouch when i threw my hackysack at him, and I made fun on him all night. Not my best move, but he was so whiny and funny I couldn't help myself. It brought me some joy lol. Sorry dude. Aooowwwchhh lol so funny. Helped give me my own personal sad perspective. I was tired, and I had little sleep the night before, so I enjoyed the movies and went to bed early.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Marshall Island 3 Demo Day1
The next morning, I do my readings, and cry lol dang smart India religious stuff. :) No time to really help Steve, and the full excitement of Demo days is here. The campground filled up overnight, and there are a lot of pilots in the Lz. I excel in small group conversations, but I don't deal with crowds as well. I have made friends, and will still make more! The evening before, I watched one of the Wills wing guys preform a perfect landing. Mitch is gonna record and critique all the landings of the day. In the previous week, I email Steve Pearson, to get on the list to demo gliders, and we have a nice chat. I see the guy who I watched land perfectly the night before, and I assume is Steve Pearson. He also assumes correctly who I am, and we meet and say hellos! Boom, instantly super excited and stoked! A little small talk, and it's time to sign up for gliders. All Krishna'd up I let everyone choose there gliders, so all that is left is a 170 falcon. Whoo hoo falcon again, fake excitement, but still super stoked! I chat with Ken for first time as well, a facebook friend and Wills Wing glider builder, my favorite person of the team. I ride up with Mike Meirers the last top dawg of the Wills Wing team! I try my best to control my ego and excitement with an overactive, talkative attitude. I also try to be as respectful as possible. We drive up to the Marshal launch, and I am first to set up and fly around 11:45. Mike helps me with a few things, and he un-farmiliar with my flying skills :). I asked, "Where is the proper launch spot", cause I have no clue :). O, right next to the that first cross launch platform duh. I give a hard walk, jog, run run run and I'm off. O yeah I'm a good launcher for sure :). This Falcon has a tight mylar sail and is flying a lot faster and tighter than the 190, I have been flying. Also, the air was a bit early, and the thermals are kinda weak. I scratch for about 30 minutes, and I don't get it. My first burn out of the trip :(. I have a great landing, and Mitch critique's my techniques. He shows how my legs swing around causing a little bit of cross control. He also tells me how to swing forward, to land land like Steve P. Most of the other pilots are staying up, and I am a little bummed. I know I launched early, but I thought it was gonna be another gimme, nope. At the Lz I meet Steve Pearson's lovely wife and daughter. They are both super nice, and his daughter who is my age even fly's! I am kinda crushing for sure! But I am in dumb puppy mode anyways, so I am just a goof :). Then Nofly Steve goes, "Cruser want to go up?", well hellz yeah. I just burned out, and I don't want to wait two hours for the next demo run, I just want to fly! Ken, "ahh I dont have bags and ahh um can I bail on putting the glider away cause gonna be hour till the glider bag is down..." Lol he says, "I got you buddy, go". Whoohoo outta here. I meet Local pilot Chris, and throw my glider on! Me, him, and Steve are outta there! We chat alot about Maui and things, and get up to Crestline! Whoohoo, I set up quick and Launch! Straight to billboards, and I thermal up to cloudbase!. Chris doesn't get it right away, and I can tell he's like dang, f that kid jokingly :) He bails on his high performance glider to go have his own sick flight. I fly all over the place, to Marshall and back up to Crestline. I fly downwind to scope new areas, and find Stephen with Lua doing a tandem, fun flight. I loose a ton of attitude, and bail on them. I trying to milk every nook and crack. Ahh, I am downwind and as low as Marshall. I head to the Billboards, but way below, then boom. 4 to 6 grand at billboards, and in the clouds! Ok lets cross the upwind valley to pine peak. I hit strong headwinds, and make it. I see clouds, but I am not getting up. I scratch till I I hit my bail altitude of 3700ft. Thinking I will have tailwind, I head back. Um sink, sink, sink ah not gonna make it. I am stuck scanning for bailouts, but I reach regionals and climb out. Wohooo. Back to Marshall, and I enjoy the rest of the flight. I have another 3-4hr flight with a perfect landing! Super stoked, I stay up late talking technique, and sharing videos with Kevin and the other pilots.
Yesterdays flight video...
Yesterdays flight video...
Friday, May 13, 2016
Marshall Island Part Two
Day three, I scheduled a ride and a glider with Rob Makinzy. He is the main instructor and tandem pilot on the hill. I did my routine; read, helped out Steve, then hung out at the Lz to wait for the ride up! Around 2, a group of pilots showed up to catch the shuttle with Rob. I was super stoked, and super excited like I get. I was chatting up a storm with some of the local pilots, while we drove up to the Marshall launch. Rob's wife cracked a joke saying that she thought I was related to JD, because I was so chatty :). Funny to those who know JD, and I was pleased too, cause its nice to be picked on. At Marshall, Rob was quick to take off with his tandem, leaving me kinda clueless about the launch. So, I just did what he did. I launched off the platform, in a bit of a crosswind. This is normal for me, but not the right spot :). I got a nice thermal off the start. Still flyin the falcon, I didn't get to crazy. I flew for another 3 hours; trusting the hill, learning the trigger spots, and having a great time. Rob went up for his second tandem flight, so my goal was to out last him! Rob thermals, and has hour plus tandem flights both times. This is really awesome, because you can learn a lot from that! The winds in the Lz were strong and from the west. The lift was endless, so I had to dive down and fly fast just to land. I am used to strong landing winds, so I showed off. Right above the Lz, I put myself in a headwind, and allowed myself to drift backwards, to grab the attention of the audience. I then cranked a full speed downwind, base leg, and final. I came in super fast and had a no flare, standstill landing :). I didn't talk to much in the Lz, knowing some didn't get the longest of flights, but I was full of stoke and excitement! I love this place and the all you can eat attitude! I hung out and chatted with pilots until past dark just super happy! Me and Stephen did the normal story chat. The talks of real jobs, lifestyle choices, reasons to live, and ect. The life of an action sports bum is not for everyone, and it's nice to meet kindred souls lol.
Day four was a rainy morning, Stephen and I just kicked backed and continued to talk story. I guess they don't get a lot of rain or clouds, so jokingly I claim to have brought both from Maui :). Around 12 or so, I see rob pull in. I race down to the Lz like an excited puppy. It looked like a sled run, and I didn't really want to pay the 15 bucks for nothing. Rob didn't say anything at the Lz, so I just eye flew. I missed my opportunity to go up. By the time he was set up and launched, the clouds had burned off, and the wind had picked up. I was bummed. The Wills Wing Demos started the next day, and more pilots began showing up. I saw my opportunity and jumped! Mind if I bum a ride :)?!! "Sure dude", whoo hoo! Amping, I got my glider ready. Then before going up we introduced ourselves. Sparky, was a pilot from Colorado who had previously chimed in on my flying post on, and knew my uncle Mark Rowland from Colorado! Boom instant friends! He had even flown some of my local sites back in the day! So awesome! His buddy was Kevin Carter, whom became a good friend and mentor later in the week! We drove up to marshall, and got set up. I had the easiest glider to set up, so I am off first. I decided to try the top launch that the local kid mentioned the the day before. Walk, jog, run run run and woah, I get lifted way before the hill faded away, and I had to be on it. lol, Another easy but slightly weird launch for me. I did it perfectly, it just felt weird watching the slope not change, no biggie. We flew around for another 2 hours, and I had a blast testing my limits. I would get low, and work my way back up. I like giving myself a bit of a challenge :). I milked every bit of lift I could, until the clouds covered the sun. This was my only poor, or slightly bad landing. The winds were nil, and I flared a little early. I landed softly on my feet, but I let the nose of the glider slowly and gently touch the ground. I hear Kevin, who is right above me, setting up his landing approach yell, "Wack" :). Come on dude, so not a wack, but you got to be perfect here :). Still, I am super stoked, and real happy that I got to fly again! Stephen takes me to my first Del Taco, chicken soft taco thursdays! So cheap and better than Taco Bell! Then off to free pool night to share some drinks with Dusty and Kathy, the hardcore San Bernardino locals, and Lua, Stephens paragliding girlfriend. Still making friends! Friday is the beginning of Wills Wing demo days so gotta get some rest :).
Day four was a rainy morning, Stephen and I just kicked backed and continued to talk story. I guess they don't get a lot of rain or clouds, so jokingly I claim to have brought both from Maui :). Around 12 or so, I see rob pull in. I race down to the Lz like an excited puppy. It looked like a sled run, and I didn't really want to pay the 15 bucks for nothing. Rob didn't say anything at the Lz, so I just eye flew. I missed my opportunity to go up. By the time he was set up and launched, the clouds had burned off, and the wind had picked up. I was bummed. The Wills Wing Demos started the next day, and more pilots began showing up. I saw my opportunity and jumped! Mind if I bum a ride :)?!! "Sure dude", whoo hoo! Amping, I got my glider ready. Then before going up we introduced ourselves. Sparky, was a pilot from Colorado who had previously chimed in on my flying post on, and knew my uncle Mark Rowland from Colorado! Boom instant friends! He had even flown some of my local sites back in the day! So awesome! His buddy was Kevin Carter, whom became a good friend and mentor later in the week! We drove up to marshall, and got set up. I had the easiest glider to set up, so I am off first. I decided to try the top launch that the local kid mentioned the the day before. Walk, jog, run run run and woah, I get lifted way before the hill faded away, and I had to be on it. lol, Another easy but slightly weird launch for me. I did it perfectly, it just felt weird watching the slope not change, no biggie. We flew around for another 2 hours, and I had a blast testing my limits. I would get low, and work my way back up. I like giving myself a bit of a challenge :). I milked every bit of lift I could, until the clouds covered the sun. This was my only poor, or slightly bad landing. The winds were nil, and I flared a little early. I landed softly on my feet, but I let the nose of the glider slowly and gently touch the ground. I hear Kevin, who is right above me, setting up his landing approach yell, "Wack" :). Come on dude, so not a wack, but you got to be perfect here :). Still, I am super stoked, and real happy that I got to fly again! Stephen takes me to my first Del Taco, chicken soft taco thursdays! So cheap and better than Taco Bell! Then off to free pool night to share some drinks with Dusty and Kathy, the hardcore San Bernardino locals, and Lua, Stephens paragliding girlfriend. Still making friends! Friday is the beginning of Wills Wing demo days so gotta get some rest :).
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Marshall Isand
So I took my first personal trip off the Island. Thanks Alex Aguera, it wouldn't have happened with out my knee stitches lol.
Bargain fair is great, a cheap flight, and I had the entire row to myself. :) Three seats and plenty of sleep on the airplane, I was comfy lol. I Jumped off the plane, and took a quick bus ride to the train station. A funny looking white boy, with two bags and a pillow, straight to murder capital of the US, San Bernardino lol. I had a nice train ride, and a twenty minute walk to the bus transit station. I was throwing shaka's and smiles to all the homies. I took a thirty minute minute bus ride through the hood, to Cal State. I walked through the university and b-lined it to the mountain range, I had been studying. I could see soaring birds and strong winds, but no one was flying. I cut through the back of the campus across the brush, only to be welcomed by some police :) They gave me some grief, but how could you not love a Maui boy with a pillow looking for some Hang gliding. I was on the right path, and I was tired of caring my stuff. I hiked into the Cross Country Ranch, and made it to the empty Andy Jackson Landing Zone. All stoked up, I continued to search for some people for more information. I stuffed my stuff near the first building, and got invited to feed the horses, already sweet situation. Super blown away by the area, I made my way to the top of the camp site, and found Margret, whom gave me the rundown. It was cold as Kula and nowhere for my hammock, sweet.. She told me to go next door to the Paraglider's Stephen. He is and instructor, and it was a goal to get some lessons, so sweet! I went and said hello, not knowing I was meeting my best friend! We instantly kicked it off as hommies as it started raining, lol great. He said lets go to a biker bar with a fire stove, and out of the rain. We rambled down in his car to the screaming chicken, slippery chicken as I named it. :) It was early so the rowdiness was not there yet. I got the beers, then whooped him in a couple games of pool! I saw some titties, and a quick fight, I felt at home. Still raining, I was quite unsure about my sleeping situation, and pretty uneasy. We pulled up to Stephen's home at the top of the Cross Country Ranch, and he offered me a van to sleep in, Sweet! I opened the back, and there was a bed full of pillows and blankets! Super Sweet! I knew it was gonna be one blessed trip! Me and Stephen would have tons of awesome conversations, and fun the whole week! Like minds are always bros!
The next morning I would start the process! I woke up early, like I do, and would read my new favorite book, "The Upanishads"! I have been all Krishna'd out for weeks, and would cry every morning reading this book! They had a hot shower down below, and I wanted to stay in good hygiene. I had the intentions of helping any way I could at the camp, and that's what i did. I just bothered and helped whomever was up doing stuff! I met the locals and rode around in the gators. I am pretty blown away by the paradise above San Bernadino. I hooked up with Nofly Steve, who pretty much ran the camp grounds! Awesome dude, full of stoke and love for the camp and the flyers! I would hang out and bother Steve most mornings. Then I decided to walk to the nearest store for some supplies. Worried I would miss my first opportunity to fly, I rushed. I picked up some granola bars, peanut butter, raisins, and water. Walking back uphill, I tried to hitchhike from the college kids and hommies, with no luck. Then, I jay walked through a red light between two semi trucks and got busted by the police again. After coming up with no warrants and a good lecture I was freed, lol. I made it to the Landing Zone with minutes to spare!
One of the reasons I came to San Bernardino, was a youtube and facebook friend Jonathan Dietch. He is one of the local Cross Country pilots. He brought me his 190 falcon to to try out, and we booked it up to fly. I went up with a couple of JD's buddies and nofly steve as driver. We went straight to the upper launch named Crestline. I have been flying alot and my confidence making me comfortable. I, having the most basic of gliders got set up first. I was ampped to join the one soaring paraglider! Steve looked quite nervous for me, but I was feeling like a boss :). I got a quick hang check, and Steve wire walked me to the windy launch! The only words of wisdom I was given was "there's a house thermal to the right called billboards", ok a little nervous but still confident.
"Walk, jog, run run run", and I am off! The landing zone is not visible from this launch, and it is about 1500ft above the mountain in front called, Marshall Peak. I took a little sink to the left, then booked it hard right to the area known as billboards. After loosing a few hundred feet, I hit my first bump. I cranked a hard turn, and dove straight at the cliff side. Rocks and trees were closer to my face than I had ever experienced, but I was gaining some altitude. I cranked and banked it like a mad man! After a few minutes of exhilarating thermaling next to the hill, I was getting up. Then a hawk approached me, and he started thermalling right next to me! I bee lined it at him, and joined him all the way above the wall. My glider being a falcon, which is commonly known as a beginner glider was rocking! I have not flown a falcon since the first week of training, so I had to be conscious of my performance and drift. I made it above the cliff with my hawk buddy, and I started drifting back. My dad always told me not to leave lift, but after a couple hundred over and a little back, I kicked out to check penetration. Sink, sink, sink, geez I barley made it out above the trees. Ehhh, what is it gonna be like heading to Marshall? Wind penetration is definitely my biggest concern. I hooked another another thermal, and got a few hundred over the hill. Now, is the time to buzz launch, and show the locals I could handle. :) I shadowed the glider on launch, and I felt pretty good! I headed downwind looking for another spot to thermal, but I found nothing. Now, way lower than launch quick, I turn back and check my headwinds back to Billboards. I am now way lower than last time, and I am fighting my headwind on my low performance glider... Mind begins to race a little, but I hit some lift close to the same place! Sweet, an actual house thermal that really exist! First time for that lol. By this time Dave, Jonathan's friend who has launched on his U2, (what i fly at home) has come and joined me in the mix. Nervously, I work with him close to the wall and get up. I watch him go a little out in front, and catch a boomer. Ohh, I don't have to dive bomb the the wall super close to get up. Lol O well, I had built a comfort level and I was kinda getting amped from flying so close :). JD had launched at this time and joined us. Dave got a big one and bailed to the next mountain upwind (prob not wanting to fly with this greenhorn so close), JD hung around just long enough to get up and then bailed downwind on his high performance T2 to start his XC flight. I was happy to be soaring, and I just stayed around Billboard, which I finally saw, after 20 mins of hardcore windy thermaling. I stayed at Crestline for over an hour, just happy to be up and soaring. Finally some more people launched and burned out. I was able to watch there flight path across, to the side of Marshall, with no problem. I gained as much altitude as I could and followed. I lost a lot of altitude heading across the gap, but I was still higher than the guy who crossed first :). I hooked a banger thermal as soon as I hit the side of Marshall called Regionals. I could see the landing zone, and a few other thermaling pilots. I was fully confident, and felt super safe! I climbed and drifted to the Marshal Launch, where I saw a paraglider throwing down some sick acrobatics! He thermaled right back up easily and headed toward me. He then spun backwards lol. It was my buddy Stephen who gave me a bed to sleep in! I waved the he went into another round of hardcore acro! He later ditched his glider and based jumped to the Lz. What a freaking boss right!. I was in heaven with thermals everywhere! "All you can eat", was Stephens famous accurate quote! I stayed up for a while trying to drift and work thermals behind the Marshall launch. I had the feeling that I could make it back to Crestline. After my third attempt, I had it! Back to where I started and back to billboards! So epic! I did that three times during this first flight! I flew for over 3.5 hours till I was beat! Alright next phase the landing! Flying the falcon I knew I couldn't mess up my landing :) JD had already landed from his 30 mile triangle or something, and he was waiting in the landing zone with his Gopro to congratulate me in my first flight! I dove in hard, straight at him, and pulled the trigger on my flare. Ahh a little early, but I stuffed it and took a few steps. The glider landed softley. I had never landed on flat ground or short grass, so I would have to figure that out a little in my next few flights :). I was incredibly stoked, Jonathan was super stoked for me! Stephen was down there packing his base chute super stoked! It was beyond epic! JD offered me his falcon for the week, so I guess I passed! Me and Stephen went out and did some celebrating and chatted about epic flying and epic lifestyles like friends do!
Bargain fair is great, a cheap flight, and I had the entire row to myself. :) Three seats and plenty of sleep on the airplane, I was comfy lol. I Jumped off the plane, and took a quick bus ride to the train station. A funny looking white boy, with two bags and a pillow, straight to murder capital of the US, San Bernardino lol. I had a nice train ride, and a twenty minute walk to the bus transit station. I was throwing shaka's and smiles to all the homies. I took a thirty minute minute bus ride through the hood, to Cal State. I walked through the university and b-lined it to the mountain range, I had been studying. I could see soaring birds and strong winds, but no one was flying. I cut through the back of the campus across the brush, only to be welcomed by some police :) They gave me some grief, but how could you not love a Maui boy with a pillow looking for some Hang gliding. I was on the right path, and I was tired of caring my stuff. I hiked into the Cross Country Ranch, and made it to the empty Andy Jackson Landing Zone. All stoked up, I continued to search for some people for more information. I stuffed my stuff near the first building, and got invited to feed the horses, already sweet situation. Super blown away by the area, I made my way to the top of the camp site, and found Margret, whom gave me the rundown. It was cold as Kula and nowhere for my hammock, sweet.. She told me to go next door to the Paraglider's Stephen. He is and instructor, and it was a goal to get some lessons, so sweet! I went and said hello, not knowing I was meeting my best friend! We instantly kicked it off as hommies as it started raining, lol great. He said lets go to a biker bar with a fire stove, and out of the rain. We rambled down in his car to the screaming chicken, slippery chicken as I named it. :) It was early so the rowdiness was not there yet. I got the beers, then whooped him in a couple games of pool! I saw some titties, and a quick fight, I felt at home. Still raining, I was quite unsure about my sleeping situation, and pretty uneasy. We pulled up to Stephen's home at the top of the Cross Country Ranch, and he offered me a van to sleep in, Sweet! I opened the back, and there was a bed full of pillows and blankets! Super Sweet! I knew it was gonna be one blessed trip! Me and Stephen would have tons of awesome conversations, and fun the whole week! Like minds are always bros!
The next morning I would start the process! I woke up early, like I do, and would read my new favorite book, "The Upanishads"! I have been all Krishna'd out for weeks, and would cry every morning reading this book! They had a hot shower down below, and I wanted to stay in good hygiene. I had the intentions of helping any way I could at the camp, and that's what i did. I just bothered and helped whomever was up doing stuff! I met the locals and rode around in the gators. I am pretty blown away by the paradise above San Bernadino. I hooked up with Nofly Steve, who pretty much ran the camp grounds! Awesome dude, full of stoke and love for the camp and the flyers! I would hang out and bother Steve most mornings. Then I decided to walk to the nearest store for some supplies. Worried I would miss my first opportunity to fly, I rushed. I picked up some granola bars, peanut butter, raisins, and water. Walking back uphill, I tried to hitchhike from the college kids and hommies, with no luck. Then, I jay walked through a red light between two semi trucks and got busted by the police again. After coming up with no warrants and a good lecture I was freed, lol. I made it to the Landing Zone with minutes to spare!
One of the reasons I came to San Bernardino, was a youtube and facebook friend Jonathan Dietch. He is one of the local Cross Country pilots. He brought me his 190 falcon to to try out, and we booked it up to fly. I went up with a couple of JD's buddies and nofly steve as driver. We went straight to the upper launch named Crestline. I have been flying alot and my confidence making me comfortable. I, having the most basic of gliders got set up first. I was ampped to join the one soaring paraglider! Steve looked quite nervous for me, but I was feeling like a boss :). I got a quick hang check, and Steve wire walked me to the windy launch! The only words of wisdom I was given was "there's a house thermal to the right called billboards", ok a little nervous but still confident.
"Walk, jog, run run run", and I am off! The landing zone is not visible from this launch, and it is about 1500ft above the mountain in front called, Marshall Peak. I took a little sink to the left, then booked it hard right to the area known as billboards. After loosing a few hundred feet, I hit my first bump. I cranked a hard turn, and dove straight at the cliff side. Rocks and trees were closer to my face than I had ever experienced, but I was gaining some altitude. I cranked and banked it like a mad man! After a few minutes of exhilarating thermaling next to the hill, I was getting up. Then a hawk approached me, and he started thermalling right next to me! I bee lined it at him, and joined him all the way above the wall. My glider being a falcon, which is commonly known as a beginner glider was rocking! I have not flown a falcon since the first week of training, so I had to be conscious of my performance and drift. I made it above the cliff with my hawk buddy, and I started drifting back. My dad always told me not to leave lift, but after a couple hundred over and a little back, I kicked out to check penetration. Sink, sink, sink, geez I barley made it out above the trees. Ehhh, what is it gonna be like heading to Marshall? Wind penetration is definitely my biggest concern. I hooked another another thermal, and got a few hundred over the hill. Now, is the time to buzz launch, and show the locals I could handle. :) I shadowed the glider on launch, and I felt pretty good! I headed downwind looking for another spot to thermal, but I found nothing. Now, way lower than launch quick, I turn back and check my headwinds back to Billboards. I am now way lower than last time, and I am fighting my headwind on my low performance glider... Mind begins to race a little, but I hit some lift close to the same place! Sweet, an actual house thermal that really exist! First time for that lol. By this time Dave, Jonathan's friend who has launched on his U2, (what i fly at home) has come and joined me in the mix. Nervously, I work with him close to the wall and get up. I watch him go a little out in front, and catch a boomer. Ohh, I don't have to dive bomb the the wall super close to get up. Lol O well, I had built a comfort level and I was kinda getting amped from flying so close :). JD had launched at this time and joined us. Dave got a big one and bailed to the next mountain upwind (prob not wanting to fly with this greenhorn so close), JD hung around just long enough to get up and then bailed downwind on his high performance T2 to start his XC flight. I was happy to be soaring, and I just stayed around Billboard, which I finally saw, after 20 mins of hardcore windy thermaling. I stayed at Crestline for over an hour, just happy to be up and soaring. Finally some more people launched and burned out. I was able to watch there flight path across, to the side of Marshall, with no problem. I gained as much altitude as I could and followed. I lost a lot of altitude heading across the gap, but I was still higher than the guy who crossed first :). I hooked a banger thermal as soon as I hit the side of Marshall called Regionals. I could see the landing zone, and a few other thermaling pilots. I was fully confident, and felt super safe! I climbed and drifted to the Marshal Launch, where I saw a paraglider throwing down some sick acrobatics! He thermaled right back up easily and headed toward me. He then spun backwards lol. It was my buddy Stephen who gave me a bed to sleep in! I waved the he went into another round of hardcore acro! He later ditched his glider and based jumped to the Lz. What a freaking boss right!. I was in heaven with thermals everywhere! "All you can eat", was Stephens famous accurate quote! I stayed up for a while trying to drift and work thermals behind the Marshall launch. I had the feeling that I could make it back to Crestline. After my third attempt, I had it! Back to where I started and back to billboards! So epic! I did that three times during this first flight! I flew for over 3.5 hours till I was beat! Alright next phase the landing! Flying the falcon I knew I couldn't mess up my landing :) JD had already landed from his 30 mile triangle or something, and he was waiting in the landing zone with his Gopro to congratulate me in my first flight! I dove in hard, straight at him, and pulled the trigger on my flare. Ahh a little early, but I stuffed it and took a few steps. The glider landed softley. I had never landed on flat ground or short grass, so I would have to figure that out a little in my next few flights :). I was incredibly stoked, Jonathan was super stoked for me! Stephen was down there packing his base chute super stoked! It was beyond epic! JD offered me his falcon for the week, so I guess I passed! Me and Stephen went out and did some celebrating and chatted about epic flying and epic lifestyles like friends do!
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Feeling good
Hmmmm a blog post, that is a novel idea, lol. Lets see.
I would start by saying, I am enjoying the unemployed lifestyle again. Do to some good fortune and a unrealistic source of occupation, I find my self with my greatest set up yet. I love my Kite Family, and I understand that life would not be as great without them, Many Thanks!!!!!
This winter like most, was the best winter ever! Godzilla el Nino, global warming, or just an average winter.... whatever you call it, it was epic! I believe we are in a grand solar minimum and without an active sun, how are we gonna have overactive storms???... (Everyone should follow Suspicious0bservers on Youtube.)
I did not spend all my mental energies and every waking moment thinking about Peahi, or did I get hundreds of barrels at the bay... I choose the Waiehu way of surfing. For early season we started off with a bang, Ho'okipa was the spot for weeks! Getting into surfing is Key. Motivation everyday is important. I developed new techniques and surfed on bigger boards. I learned that on a 7ft gun, Surfing gets way easier. I bought a used Marzo 6'4, and felt happy as a lazier surfer! But shortly there after it snapped kicking out of a closeout at the bay. :( Back to the 6ft epoxy Kiteboard from SOS. Then it got big, Jaws was breaking every week or so, and Ho'okipa was to big almost everyday for months. I, living on the Waiehu Coast took advantage of the Wrap. Almost every morning I would solo session the Rivermouth in all sizes. Since it is a wrap the biggest of NW swells were surfable!! Then I would surf later in the day. One of my newest favorites is Big Lefts, this is the wave closest to the Rivermouth, but has a bigger channel and holds a bigger wave. I was introduced to the wave one windy evening with my buddy Trevor and some other bruddhas. We paddled to the outside around all the big waves and waited for the sets. Back to back, the 8ft roll in's were the easiest things ever. I caught a bunch of huge waves on my 6'0 and I was hooked. Every session after that was in the afternoon with a light wind and no crowd, big waves, and my 7ft gun. I caught more big wave drops and rides than I can think of!! There were quite a few early morning at Honolua Bay with only some old guys at the cave, epic! Then I bugged friends and finally locked up a Windmills trip! I hopped into the transit with my buddies and we booked it backside to go surf something new. After learning the proper safety, Out there! Caught tons of waves and learned a lot. I surfed there a few time afterwords in various conditions! I got in my first fight, and scored some Kapunas! The surfing was epic and my health was top notch! Then got the flu... lol end of winter :)
But surfing was not the only activitie. I steadily rode my exercise bike for lower back pains, and it helped! We would get windy weeks here and there throughout the winter. Two weeks of surf then a week of Kiting and Flying! Now that Haleakala lands are back open, I took as many opportunities to fly as possible. I will admit to some epic days, and some sled rides. Each and every flight was important for keeping comfort levels up, and motivation churning. As for Kiteboarding or really only Kitesurfing there was alot. I kited Lanes so many times, and mostly alone catching thousands of waves with hundreds of turns... lol. As for Ho'okipa I scored that a lot too, mostly alone and big, but I lined up plenty of great waves! Down the coast I Kited Kanaha a lot, but not as much as recent years, I scored one Giant scary day at Outer Spreks, I need footstraps and weighted board for that next time. Yikes! Then there were the WestSide Sessions, numerous long drives and fun waves for the taking over there this year too! All in all I made the most out of everyday that was brought forth! I ate super healthy and lived simple! I have adopted this lifestyle and when I am in it, I am truly Happy and Healthy. I think that Bike Tour Job would have drained and ruined me lol, but happy to have made a chunk of savings!
Now the Agenda is set. I started showing the interest in learning to paraglide, and I flew the wing for a few hours at ho'okipa! (was stupid easy lol) Hopefully when there are no waves to chase I can develop the motivation to learn and fly Poli poli in the mornings, which would also keep me up the Mountain for more HangGliding. I also returned to the Swimming pool and rediscovered my Favorite exercise as a Kid! No waves no problem, an hour at the pool and your stoked! My mind is getting refreshed as well. I am kicking some habits and building new ones. I rediscovered the desire to read, and the Krsna Book was Amazing!! A little bit of inner self teachings as well!
Now I am sitting here with my re-busted stitches from hydrofoil kiting mishap... I have been playing but keep getting shut down by my body :(. But spirits are High! I impulsed a trip to Crestline for some roughneck camping at end of the month. Hopefully I score a ton of HangGliding. I never travel, and I am not planning of spending much money unless it involves HangGliding, and I do not really know anyone there, so Weeee! The community seems great and I'm not really worried at all, except the rattlesnakes. Can't wait to expand my HangGlide bubble and point of view! So nothing to complain about here, I got my beans and rice, alot of local veggies, and a costco card. Ready for the next epic day, except for this busted knee that I won't allow to heal.
The moral of my story is, Save up some money, quit your job, live simple, and enjoy everyday to the best of your abilities. This may lead to happiness and health! And give thanks to everyone who as ever provided for you. Remember that this Earth was given to Us to Experience. Always thank the Creator and live as if Everything is within you, and is taking care of you. The inner self, god, or whomever you Thank for Life deserves the acknowledgement for making this beautiful world we can enjoy! I haven't given up my materialistic desires, but I am Thankful and try to Enjoy my Experiences for the collective whole.
Thank you Everyone, and Everything
I would start by saying, I am enjoying the unemployed lifestyle again. Do to some good fortune and a unrealistic source of occupation, I find my self with my greatest set up yet. I love my Kite Family, and I understand that life would not be as great without them, Many Thanks!!!!!
This winter like most, was the best winter ever! Godzilla el Nino, global warming, or just an average winter.... whatever you call it, it was epic! I believe we are in a grand solar minimum and without an active sun, how are we gonna have overactive storms???... (Everyone should follow Suspicious0bservers on Youtube.)
I did not spend all my mental energies and every waking moment thinking about Peahi, or did I get hundreds of barrels at the bay... I choose the Waiehu way of surfing. For early season we started off with a bang, Ho'okipa was the spot for weeks! Getting into surfing is Key. Motivation everyday is important. I developed new techniques and surfed on bigger boards. I learned that on a 7ft gun, Surfing gets way easier. I bought a used Marzo 6'4, and felt happy as a lazier surfer! But shortly there after it snapped kicking out of a closeout at the bay. :( Back to the 6ft epoxy Kiteboard from SOS. Then it got big, Jaws was breaking every week or so, and Ho'okipa was to big almost everyday for months. I, living on the Waiehu Coast took advantage of the Wrap. Almost every morning I would solo session the Rivermouth in all sizes. Since it is a wrap the biggest of NW swells were surfable!! Then I would surf later in the day. One of my newest favorites is Big Lefts, this is the wave closest to the Rivermouth, but has a bigger channel and holds a bigger wave. I was introduced to the wave one windy evening with my buddy Trevor and some other bruddhas. We paddled to the outside around all the big waves and waited for the sets. Back to back, the 8ft roll in's were the easiest things ever. I caught a bunch of huge waves on my 6'0 and I was hooked. Every session after that was in the afternoon with a light wind and no crowd, big waves, and my 7ft gun. I caught more big wave drops and rides than I can think of!! There were quite a few early morning at Honolua Bay with only some old guys at the cave, epic! Then I bugged friends and finally locked up a Windmills trip! I hopped into the transit with my buddies and we booked it backside to go surf something new. After learning the proper safety, Out there! Caught tons of waves and learned a lot. I surfed there a few time afterwords in various conditions! I got in my first fight, and scored some Kapunas! The surfing was epic and my health was top notch! Then got the flu... lol end of winter :)
But surfing was not the only activitie. I steadily rode my exercise bike for lower back pains, and it helped! We would get windy weeks here and there throughout the winter. Two weeks of surf then a week of Kiting and Flying! Now that Haleakala lands are back open, I took as many opportunities to fly as possible. I will admit to some epic days, and some sled rides. Each and every flight was important for keeping comfort levels up, and motivation churning. As for Kiteboarding or really only Kitesurfing there was alot. I kited Lanes so many times, and mostly alone catching thousands of waves with hundreds of turns... lol. As for Ho'okipa I scored that a lot too, mostly alone and big, but I lined up plenty of great waves! Down the coast I Kited Kanaha a lot, but not as much as recent years, I scored one Giant scary day at Outer Spreks, I need footstraps and weighted board for that next time. Yikes! Then there were the WestSide Sessions, numerous long drives and fun waves for the taking over there this year too! All in all I made the most out of everyday that was brought forth! I ate super healthy and lived simple! I have adopted this lifestyle and when I am in it, I am truly Happy and Healthy. I think that Bike Tour Job would have drained and ruined me lol, but happy to have made a chunk of savings!
Now the Agenda is set. I started showing the interest in learning to paraglide, and I flew the wing for a few hours at ho'okipa! (was stupid easy lol) Hopefully when there are no waves to chase I can develop the motivation to learn and fly Poli poli in the mornings, which would also keep me up the Mountain for more HangGliding. I also returned to the Swimming pool and rediscovered my Favorite exercise as a Kid! No waves no problem, an hour at the pool and your stoked! My mind is getting refreshed as well. I am kicking some habits and building new ones. I rediscovered the desire to read, and the Krsna Book was Amazing!! A little bit of inner self teachings as well!
Now I am sitting here with my re-busted stitches from hydrofoil kiting mishap... I have been playing but keep getting shut down by my body :(. But spirits are High! I impulsed a trip to Crestline for some roughneck camping at end of the month. Hopefully I score a ton of HangGliding. I never travel, and I am not planning of spending much money unless it involves HangGliding, and I do not really know anyone there, so Weeee! The community seems great and I'm not really worried at all, except the rattlesnakes. Can't wait to expand my HangGlide bubble and point of view! So nothing to complain about here, I got my beans and rice, alot of local veggies, and a costco card. Ready for the next epic day, except for this busted knee that I won't allow to heal.
The moral of my story is, Save up some money, quit your job, live simple, and enjoy everyday to the best of your abilities. This may lead to happiness and health! And give thanks to everyone who as ever provided for you. Remember that this Earth was given to Us to Experience. Always thank the Creator and live as if Everything is within you, and is taking care of you. The inner self, god, or whomever you Thank for Life deserves the acknowledgement for making this beautiful world we can enjoy! I haven't given up my materialistic desires, but I am Thankful and try to Enjoy my Experiences for the collective whole.
Thank you Everyone, and Everything
Thursday, July 16, 2015
People always like to ask whats your favorite? Surf break, sport, music...
It's funny what the need to prioritize things into such defined places. Take music, your favorite song should change with you emotions by the minute sometimes. I like to think My favorite activity is the one that I should be doing during the present. Some days are Perfect for flying, some Surf spots have less crowds. Ther e are so many variables that make an Epic session how could you ever classify what makes everything line up. I have had horrible flights, surfs, kite sessions at all my favorite spots... I have been kiteboarding many of times to look up at a fat shearline and feel like I'm doing the wrong sport. Sometimes I chase, sometimes you let it go and have as much fun as possible at the Beach. Having all these choices is my favorite thing. If you could only do One... I say who needs that narrow minded thinking. I would never choose, I don't mind giving something up for awhile and focusing my energy more, but not by my own choice. I have been having great days in almost everything I do. Probably helps when you quit a job you don't like, but getting back into a daily balance of nutrition, exercise, sport, and friends has helped me appreciate everything so much more!
We should play as much as we can an not think with borders. Eat beans, rice, and avocados cause there cheap and don't waste money you don't have. Even when you get hurt remember there's 20 seasons of survivor on the internet and you can just learn new things. Play music, draw, write, and do something. My favorite spot to surf is (Rivermouth, LobstaGoose, Lanes, Churches, Breakwall) Kite is (Ho'okipa, Sandpiles, Kitebeach) HangGlide (6k,Seacliffs)
It's funny what the need to prioritize things into such defined places. Take music, your favorite song should change with you emotions by the minute sometimes. I like to think My favorite activity is the one that I should be doing during the present. Some days are Perfect for flying, some Surf spots have less crowds. Ther e are so many variables that make an Epic session how could you ever classify what makes everything line up. I have had horrible flights, surfs, kite sessions at all my favorite spots... I have been kiteboarding many of times to look up at a fat shearline and feel like I'm doing the wrong sport. Sometimes I chase, sometimes you let it go and have as much fun as possible at the Beach. Having all these choices is my favorite thing. If you could only do One... I say who needs that narrow minded thinking. I would never choose, I don't mind giving something up for awhile and focusing my energy more, but not by my own choice. I have been having great days in almost everything I do. Probably helps when you quit a job you don't like, but getting back into a daily balance of nutrition, exercise, sport, and friends has helped me appreciate everything so much more!
We should play as much as we can an not think with borders. Eat beans, rice, and avocados cause there cheap and don't waste money you don't have. Even when you get hurt remember there's 20 seasons of survivor on the internet and you can just learn new things. Play music, draw, write, and do something. My favorite spot to surf is (Rivermouth, LobstaGoose, Lanes, Churches, Breakwall) Kite is (Ho'okipa, Sandpiles, Kitebeach) HangGlide (6k,Seacliffs)
Labels: Kitesurfing, Hang Glidng, Surf, Wakeboard
Hang Glide,
Hang Gliding,
Ridge Lift,
Sea Cliffs
Maui, Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
A Solid Change
Damn where did winter go... When they say "things go crazy on Maui when the waves go away," they weren't kidding. I recently have been affected by some changes in my lifestyle that have challenged me and my ability to be passive.
About 4 months ago we lost the HangGlide cite know as 6k. This is the Greatest Thermal Flying cite of the Pacific. Here two air masses 1. Trade winds of the Pacific 2. The convective heating air from central Maui and the Shadowed area of Haleakala standing at 10,000 ft. Given the right day, it is an incredible Thermal producing, Safe, and easy place to Fly! My father and his friends have pioneered this amazing flying cite for the past 20 years.
On the better side to the situation I have been re-pioneering the flying site on the West Maui's known as Sea Cliffs. I live about 5 mins down the road, and have kited the same winds for the last 6 years at our Windswell break Sandpiles. I love this area of Maui and have Surfed, Hiked, and Kited here consistantly. Adding the Ridge Soar Hanggliding has given me my own personal heaven in a 10 mile radius. It hasn't been until recently have I had any problems flying this cite, until a Homeless Squatter guy, who has always been real nice and supportive, went crazy on me with threats to my Body, Gear, and Future. This greatly disturbed me and has been a bother. So I am down to zero confrontation free soar-able flying cites.
With the banning of Haleakala flying, I knew my summer was in danger so I dedicated myself to finding a Job. I looked on Craigslist and saw a listing for Haleakala Bike Tour. I love this mountain so I gave it a call. On first conversation with the boss, "Your dad Puts flew me from the Crater to Hana on his Hangglider." Lets just say, I got the job. My Goal was to get a job that I could get time after work to go to Kite,Surf, or Hang Glide. I start at the ridiculously early time of 1 a.m. and I finish at the time of 1 p.m. I won't say it is the easiest of hours, but I am strong and have been going 6 days a week for the past 3 months. I enjoy the Job, the People (Tourist and Company), money, and the time afterwork. I do fall asleep at 7 p.m. everyday though.
As of lately I have been Coaching Kiteboarding with an Awesome family. I have recently Quit a job I have been working Part Time for 6 years. I am changing kite companies, away from the ones I have loved for the last 6 years. I saved more money than I ever have before. And I just can't wait till summer is over so I can quit my job and Surf/kite/ and illegally HangGlide everyday.
Some people say that they are Proud I am working hard. Some people yell and scrutinize me for trying to have fun. Some people thank me for doing a great job. Some people are disappointed I have quit. I myself am happy I am handling not doing alot of the things I love, and dedicated an enormous amount of time to making some savings. I hope in the future I made all good decisions and I will be able to live the life I love.
About 4 months ago we lost the HangGlide cite know as 6k. This is the Greatest Thermal Flying cite of the Pacific. Here two air masses 1. Trade winds of the Pacific 2. The convective heating air from central Maui and the Shadowed area of Haleakala standing at 10,000 ft. Given the right day, it is an incredible Thermal producing, Safe, and easy place to Fly! My father and his friends have pioneered this amazing flying cite for the past 20 years.
On the better side to the situation I have been re-pioneering the flying site on the West Maui's known as Sea Cliffs. I live about 5 mins down the road, and have kited the same winds for the last 6 years at our Windswell break Sandpiles. I love this area of Maui and have Surfed, Hiked, and Kited here consistantly. Adding the Ridge Soar Hanggliding has given me my own personal heaven in a 10 mile radius. It hasn't been until recently have I had any problems flying this cite, until a Homeless Squatter guy, who has always been real nice and supportive, went crazy on me with threats to my Body, Gear, and Future. This greatly disturbed me and has been a bother. So I am down to zero confrontation free soar-able flying cites.
With the banning of Haleakala flying, I knew my summer was in danger so I dedicated myself to finding a Job. I looked on Craigslist and saw a listing for Haleakala Bike Tour. I love this mountain so I gave it a call. On first conversation with the boss, "Your dad Puts flew me from the Crater to Hana on his Hangglider." Lets just say, I got the job. My Goal was to get a job that I could get time after work to go to Kite,Surf, or Hang Glide. I start at the ridiculously early time of 1 a.m. and I finish at the time of 1 p.m. I won't say it is the easiest of hours, but I am strong and have been going 6 days a week for the past 3 months. I enjoy the Job, the People (Tourist and Company), money, and the time afterwork. I do fall asleep at 7 p.m. everyday though.
As of lately I have been Coaching Kiteboarding with an Awesome family. I have recently Quit a job I have been working Part Time for 6 years. I am changing kite companies, away from the ones I have loved for the last 6 years. I saved more money than I ever have before. And I just can't wait till summer is over so I can quit my job and Surf/kite/ and illegally HangGlide everyday.
Some people say that they are Proud I am working hard. Some people yell and scrutinize me for trying to have fun. Some people thank me for doing a great job. Some people are disappointed I have quit. I myself am happy I am handling not doing alot of the things I love, and dedicated an enormous amount of time to making some savings. I hope in the future I made all good decisions and I will be able to live the life I love.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Winters Review
It's been awhile...
To Start we had the KiteSurfPro at the end of December. This was the only Kite surf competition of the Year, held at Maui local spot, Ho'okipa. I was asked to help out by Kristen Bosse, and I was happy to help. I ended up setting the speaker system and soundboard up at the pre-party, and ended up DJing the whole event. I rocked my favorite Music at Ho'okipa for almost a week, and I was beach announcer, with my friend Rick D. Got to say that alone was fun.
As for the contest, I had been riding lanes in all conditions the month before, and was rocking a 5'10 Rusty Surftec, I felt on my game. My first two heats I won with high scores and many waves! Even though I was only kiting 15 minutes a day, I was having a blast! The last day, I was in a Quater Final against last years winner, Keahe DeAboitz,. The waves were bigger, and I hooked into my first wave off the back, getting two nice backside hacks. On the landing of the second turn, my quick release blew open releasing my kite. I tried to duck the wave and use the safety, but the kite ripped the saftey out and flew away. I swam in from the surf, hustled, and Pete Cabrinha helped me out with his kite. I was able to get a few more minutes. I ended up with a 12 out of 20, not enough to beat Keahe, but i didn't really get to play the Heat right. Kinda killed my buzz for the Contest, but everyone said I did great, and tied for 5th.
After a full beach week I was ready to Fly. I dedicated the end of the Month to my HangGlider, and scored a few good 6k flights and a couple odd SeaCliff days. Then the wind shut down, I decided that I would have to give up the Glider for the winter, and dedicate life to Surf and Kitesurf.
This was a great choice, Surf is Great! I have been surfing more every year for about 5 years now. I am happy to say that I don't completely suck anymore! My winter surf spots include Lanes, Ho'okipa, and River mouth. Then the series of Giant swells came. A kiter friend Brad Price recruited me to be his tow surf partner, which I have been lucky enough to have a lot of experiences from previous seasons. We towed Outer Sprecks on a few big days, and I got to get a share of Bombing Surf experiences!
Then Life go really nice, I was in the habits of waking up, drinking Coffee, Surfing Big Lanes, working at Maui Tectonics for a few hours, and getting another Surf or an Epic Kitesurf Session!
So many day of large surfing, and finally making turns and big sections. Surfing the Best of my life! We had a series of Kona winds that let me work on kitesurfing front-side, off shores at Lanes. It sounds epic, but I haven't spent enough time at it to love it. As of recently, I have had a few Mind Blowing sessions on my 10m at Ho'okipa. I have spent up to 10 hours there, nearly by myself on solid 5-8 10-15ft faces, feeling more comfortable than ever and hitting sections harder than ever!
The run of large swells seems to have slowed now, and I have been putting my hang glider back on my car. I have had a few minor thermal sled rides, and a real nice South East, non-recommended, Seacliffs flight, but it turned out to be real nice! I am up to date, and I predict a lot of fun days ahead.
To Start we had the KiteSurfPro at the end of December. This was the only Kite surf competition of the Year, held at Maui local spot, Ho'okipa. I was asked to help out by Kristen Bosse, and I was happy to help. I ended up setting the speaker system and soundboard up at the pre-party, and ended up DJing the whole event. I rocked my favorite Music at Ho'okipa for almost a week, and I was beach announcer, with my friend Rick D. Got to say that alone was fun.
After a full beach week I was ready to Fly. I dedicated the end of the Month to my HangGlider, and scored a few good 6k flights and a couple odd SeaCliff days. Then the wind shut down, I decided that I would have to give up the Glider for the winter, and dedicate life to Surf and Kitesurf.
This was a great choice, Surf is Great! I have been surfing more every year for about 5 years now. I am happy to say that I don't completely suck anymore! My winter surf spots include Lanes, Ho'okipa, and River mouth. Then the series of Giant swells came. A kiter friend Brad Price recruited me to be his tow surf partner, which I have been lucky enough to have a lot of experiences from previous seasons. We towed Outer Sprecks on a few big days, and I got to get a share of Bombing Surf experiences!
Then Life go really nice, I was in the habits of waking up, drinking Coffee, Surfing Big Lanes, working at Maui Tectonics for a few hours, and getting another Surf or an Epic Kitesurf Session!
So many day of large surfing, and finally making turns and big sections. Surfing the Best of my life! We had a series of Kona winds that let me work on kitesurfing front-side, off shores at Lanes. It sounds epic, but I haven't spent enough time at it to love it. As of recently, I have had a few Mind Blowing sessions on my 10m at Ho'okipa. I have spent up to 10 hours there, nearly by myself on solid 5-8 10-15ft faces, feeling more comfortable than ever and hitting sections harder than ever!
The run of large swells seems to have slowed now, and I have been putting my hang glider back on my car. I have had a few minor thermal sled rides, and a real nice South East, non-recommended, Seacliffs flight, but it turned out to be real nice! I am up to date, and I predict a lot of fun days ahead.
Labels: Kitesurfing, Hang Glidng, Surf, Wakeboard
Hang Glide,
Hang Gliding,
Ridge Lift,
Sea Cliffs,
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Maui Life
Video says it all
Labels: Kitesurfing, Hang Glidng, Surf, Wakeboard
Hang Glide,
Hang Gliding,
Ridge Lift,
Sea Cliffs
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Great Week
Such a great week I can't remember when it started!
We had a few great days at our local Onshore Wave Kiting locations SandPiles Waiehu. Me and my buddy Patri ripped some head/overhead waves to shreds. Then came the 3 day weekend of 6k thermal flying. Day 1: afternoon hour, Day 2: Three hour Sky Out, Day 3: Two hour fun and comfortable! Then Monday hit, Woke up and Yoga'd out for a minute with some thankful meditations and went to work. After a few hours It was over and I headed to the beach. Winds were good at KiteBeach, had and awesome session reworking my mind how to Kite and stomped a bunch of Handle Passes. Thank you Dakine The new Harness I picked up after work feels Great! Then went home to rest, and eat Avocado sandwich fresh from the Backyard! The wind was blowing at my house, so I decided to drive 5 minutes to check out my new favorite ridge lift site. Paul Franco a Paraglider/Kitesurfer was there checking it out. A few phone calls and we were setting up. We both had great flights in strong changing winds! GoPro mount broke, so no footage, but here's and old one with some terrible great music!
We had a few great days at our local Onshore Wave Kiting locations SandPiles Waiehu. Me and my buddy Patri ripped some head/overhead waves to shreds. Then came the 3 day weekend of 6k thermal flying. Day 1: afternoon hour, Day 2: Three hour Sky Out, Day 3: Two hour fun and comfortable! Then Monday hit, Woke up and Yoga'd out for a minute with some thankful meditations and went to work. After a few hours It was over and I headed to the beach. Winds were good at KiteBeach, had and awesome session reworking my mind how to Kite and stomped a bunch of Handle Passes. Thank you Dakine The new Harness I picked up after work feels Great! Then went home to rest, and eat Avocado sandwich fresh from the Backyard! The wind was blowing at my house, so I decided to drive 5 minutes to check out my new favorite ridge lift site. Paul Franco a Paraglider/Kitesurfer was there checking it out. A few phone calls and we were setting up. We both had great flights in strong changing winds! GoPro mount broke, so no footage, but here's and old one with some terrible great music!
Labels: Kitesurfing, Hang Glidng, Surf, Wakeboard
Hang Glide,
Ridge Lift,
Sea Cliffs,
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Sea Cliffs Round 2 6-11-13
Round two was started in my mind early in the day. After half a day of house painting, I decide to be off to bigger and better things. I drive to Kite Beach to notice the trade winds have shifted East. It was an easy decision to say No because I have kiteboarded the last few days and had got my tricks out of me. I decide to go up the Kula and pick up my Wing for Sea Cliffs! A couple hours later and a shopping run to costco, I'm back at kite beach. Was windier but still east, so I booked it to the cliffs. I met up with a friend who was flying his Zagi R.C. plane, and then I flew mine to feel the wind. It was strong and full of cycles, maybe 15-25mph and slightly from the left. I was getting nervous as hell and started questioning if it was to windy. I sucked it up and started rigging up. Then a few paraglider buddies showed up, now I have to fly :). This was my third time flying the cliffs and first time on my own. It was also the windiest I have flown. We preformed some proper ground handling and I waited a few seconds for a light cycle. I had a perfect launch and started going up. A week ago I had my first real flight here and had a pushy launch and a crash landing, but an epic flight. Today the winds were a bit stronger and slightly different direction. I figured out my headwinds and drift and started doing some aerobatic turns,( the only way to loose altitude). I am clueless on aerobatics so I just go fast and crank and bank turns. I loose a thousand feet and withing a minute of chilling out I am already back up. So much lift everywhere. After an hour of exploring and fun turns I think about landing in the strong winds. I see a Squall and a rainbow out to see and what looked like increasing winds. I make the decision to go land. With full speed I set up my approach and bring it to ground well. Way better than the last landing. Then I hike the glider out of the tall grass and break it down for Sunset. Round 2 at the Sea Cliffs was Awesome. Now the forcast calls for Stronger winds and big wind Swell. I think I may spend my time down the road Kitesurfing Sandpiles and maybe fly 6k.
Labels: Kitesurfing, Hang Glidng, Surf, Wakeboard
Hang Glide,
Hang Gliding,
Ridge Lift,
Sea Cliffs
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Labels: Kitesurfing, Hang Glidng, Surf, Wakeboard
Hang Glide,
Hang Gliding,
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
First North Push
During most rainy weeks, we be dieing to fly. First morning of clear skies and it's a go. First flight was clear sky. Wind directions looked nice but I never held on to a solid thermal. I had many opportunities but the hook never sunk. I landed after about a half hour, only to watch a friend sky out as the development started. He had nice flight and landed. "A little bumpy," were the words. Driving up for the car, the conditions were looking to good. We got to launch and cloud base was almost a grand over head and dark. I set up quick, preparing for a nice flight.
Right of the bat I got up. The air was lofty, after a few turns I was looking down on launch. I stayed above the tree line for about 30 minutes before I reach cloud base. Now that I was high, i noticed that the shear line was moving further to the south. I was high so it wasn't an immediate concern, but I might be landing in the trade winds. Thermaling around I must have been in the right spot, a larger back bird buzzed me, as I got a nice glimpse of a rainbow. I decided to check out going South to a different Landing Zone, that I have walked a few times. About a third of the way there, I didn't feel to great about it so I headed back to the shear. Possibly facing a strong head wind and landing short I routed for my first safe LZ. I was still in good air so I worked my way down to Wounded Knee, my home Landing Zone. Still being on the edge of the shear in lift, I could see the flags below blowing strong trades. This landing I haven't experienced yet, but I was prepared none the less. Over the LZ I was still finding lift so I decided to play around at a safe distance until I was forced down.
I soon found myself in a smooth big thermal. I was gaining a lot of altitude and not moving to far away. Suddenly I noticed clouds around my head and different level down below. I climbed up to 5800 ft and had a change of plans. Miles South of me was an LZ I wanted to go before. I decided to pull my vg and head that direction into the Shear. I crossed a new portion of the hill, but didn't feel it out as much as I ran to the safe zones. I reached Tim's LZ with plenty of altitude. I mapped out my approach, but still didn't feel comfortable. I decided to take one more jump upwind. I hit some nice lifty air and headed to Poli Poli. With a comfortable altitude and being released from being nervous and alittle scared, I was at the Mother Hill. I was flying high above the training hill that I spent alot of time learning the sport. Though I had not flown here in months, I was stoked and comfortable to be landing next to four wind socks and a fresh mowed field. A nice landing and another first for the books!
Right of the bat I got up. The air was lofty, after a few turns I was looking down on launch. I stayed above the tree line for about 30 minutes before I reach cloud base. Now that I was high, i noticed that the shear line was moving further to the south. I was high so it wasn't an immediate concern, but I might be landing in the trade winds. Thermaling around I must have been in the right spot, a larger back bird buzzed me, as I got a nice glimpse of a rainbow. I decided to check out going South to a different Landing Zone, that I have walked a few times. About a third of the way there, I didn't feel to great about it so I headed back to the shear. Possibly facing a strong head wind and landing short I routed for my first safe LZ. I was still in good air so I worked my way down to Wounded Knee, my home Landing Zone. Still being on the edge of the shear in lift, I could see the flags below blowing strong trades. This landing I haven't experienced yet, but I was prepared none the less. Over the LZ I was still finding lift so I decided to play around at a safe distance until I was forced down.
I soon found myself in a smooth big thermal. I was gaining a lot of altitude and not moving to far away. Suddenly I noticed clouds around my head and different level down below. I climbed up to 5800 ft and had a change of plans. Miles South of me was an LZ I wanted to go before. I decided to pull my vg and head that direction into the Shear. I crossed a new portion of the hill, but didn't feel it out as much as I ran to the safe zones. I reached Tim's LZ with plenty of altitude. I mapped out my approach, but still didn't feel comfortable. I decided to take one more jump upwind. I hit some nice lifty air and headed to Poli Poli. With a comfortable altitude and being released from being nervous and alittle scared, I was at the Mother Hill. I was flying high above the training hill that I spent alot of time learning the sport. Though I had not flown here in months, I was stoked and comfortable to be landing next to four wind socks and a fresh mowed field. A nice landing and another first for the books!
Labels: Kitesurfing, Hang Glidng, Surf, Wakeboard
Hang Glide,
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Friday Fun
Friday Flight
After rushing up the hill from my previous attempts for a good activity of the day: Battlefield, Surf Ho'okipa, attempted to work, and tried to by a surfboard. I was setting up at 6k, the name of our Hang Glide launch up Haleakala, Maui. It's located near the 6 mile marker on Crater rd. I was alone on this attempt of flying but I was feeling pretty good. The clouds looked perfect an the wind was nice. After rushing to set up my glider and preform the necessary harness and glider checks, I was ready to go. Just as a low bellied cloud rolled in. Visibility went from perfect to nothing. There are a few tree clusters that could easily ruin a day. I quickly called a friend on the ground for a safety in case I mess up.
My launch clouds were looking ugly but not thick, so I decided to charge em. I had perfect launch wind and called out a loud "Clear". A few steps later I was in the air, ready to duck some clouds. Getting into my harness, I experienced a PIO or pilot induces oscillation, meaning the glider swerved left and right at high speeds near the ground. Not my best move, but I blame it on a small harness. After gaining control, I was through the patch of clouds and seeings clear sky. Far out in front of me, I saw cumulus clouds building everywhere. I decided to take a straight line to the biggest darkest motha I could see. I pulled my VG on full for my best glide to get there high.
Beep Beep Beep, Boom it was on flew into Cloudbase and had one epic flight.
After rushing up the hill from my previous attempts for a good activity of the day: Battlefield, Surf Ho'okipa, attempted to work, and tried to by a surfboard. I was setting up at 6k, the name of our Hang Glide launch up Haleakala, Maui. It's located near the 6 mile marker on Crater rd. I was alone on this attempt of flying but I was feeling pretty good. The clouds looked perfect an the wind was nice. After rushing to set up my glider and preform the necessary harness and glider checks, I was ready to go. Just as a low bellied cloud rolled in. Visibility went from perfect to nothing. There are a few tree clusters that could easily ruin a day. I quickly called a friend on the ground for a safety in case I mess up.
My launch clouds were looking ugly but not thick, so I decided to charge em. I had perfect launch wind and called out a loud "Clear". A few steps later I was in the air, ready to duck some clouds. Getting into my harness, I experienced a PIO or pilot induces oscillation, meaning the glider swerved left and right at high speeds near the ground. Not my best move, but I blame it on a small harness. After gaining control, I was through the patch of clouds and seeings clear sky. Far out in front of me, I saw cumulus clouds building everywhere. I decided to take a straight line to the biggest darkest motha I could see. I pulled my VG on full for my best glide to get there high.
Beep Beep Beep, Boom it was on flew into Cloudbase and had one epic flight.
Labels: Kitesurfing, Hang Glidng, Surf, Wakeboard
Hang Glide,
Maui, Hawaii
Kula, HI, USA
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